
=0) { alert(“An out of memory error occurred. Please restart your browser and attempt your request again.”); oomErr = true; } // Use a low-level approach to creating the URL just in case CP is undefined, etc. var ajaxUtilsServletUrl = “/app/ajaxUtils?action=logIt&lastCpReqId=18531f&lkn=ajaxUtils”; ajaxUtilsServletUrl += ‘&severity=NONFATAL&fileName=JavaScript&functionName=Error&locationId=Line’; ajaxUtilsServletUrl += line; ajaxUtilsServletUrl += ‘&logMessage=’; ajaxUtilsServletUrl += encodeURIComponent(msg); ajaxUtilsServletUrl += encodeURIComponent(‘; col: ‘ + column); // Truncate the error stack in order to avoid bad-requests ajaxUtilsServletUrl += encodeURIComponent(‘; error: ‘ + (error ? JSON.stringify(error).substring(0, 1500) : ”)); ajaxUtilsServletUrl += encodeURIComponent(‘; URL: ‘); ajaxUtilsServletUrl += encodeURIComponent(url); // Send a request to the server to log the error var img = new Image(); img.src = ajaxUtilsServletUrl; return !oomErr; // Indicate that we have handled the error if it is not outofMem, thus it won’t be displayed in the browser } // Function to handle JavaScript errors. function cpReportJSInfo(msg, url, line, id) { // Use a low-level approach to creating the URL just in case CP is undefined, etc. var ajaxUtilsServletUrl = “/app/ajaxUtils?action=logIt&lastCpReqId=18531f&lkn=ajaxUtils”; ajaxUtilsServletUrl += ‘&severity=INFORMATIONAL&fileName=JavaScriptInfo&functionName=Info&locationId=’; ajaxUtilsServletUrl += encodeURIComponent(id+”_Line” +line); ajaxUtilsServletUrl += ‘&logMessage=’; ajaxUtilsServletUrl += encodeURIComponent(msg); ajaxUtilsServletUrl += encodeURIComponent(‘; URL: ‘); ajaxUtilsServletUrl += encodeURIComponent(url); // Send a request to the server to log the error var img = new Image(); img.src = ajaxUtilsServletUrl; } ]]> Checkpoint | Login Skip Navigation Thomson Reuters Backstage. Artificial intelligence meets tax. Watch now 10) { eachStepTimes += ” CP.util.ajaxGlobalHandler:” + stepDiff; } } catch(e) { if (!cpHandleJSError(e.message, e.fileName + “_pageReadyFunct_CP.util.ajaxGlobalHandler”, e.lineNumber)) { throw e; } } try { var stepStartTime = (new Date()).getTime(); CP.misc.setupWindowHandles(); var stepDiff = ((new Date()).getTime() – stepStartTime); if (stepDiff > 10) { eachStepTimes += ” CP.misc.setupWindowHandles:” + stepDiff; } } catch(e) { if (!cpHandleJSError(e.message, e.fileName + “_pageReadyFunct_CP.misc.setupWindowHandles”, e.lineNumber)) { throw e; } } try { var stepStartTime = (new Date()).getTime(); CP.doc.setup(); var stepDiff = ((new Date()).getTime() – stepStartTime); if (stepDiff > 10) { eachStepTimes += ” CP.doc.setup:” + stepDiff; } } catch(e) { if (!cpHandleJSError(e.message, e.fileName + “_pageReadyFunct_CP.doc.setup”, e.lineNumber)) { throw e; } } try { var stepStartTime = (new Date()).getTime(); CP.fasb.setupShowHide(); var stepDiff = ((new Date()).getTime() – stepStartTime); if (stepDiff > 10) { eachStepTimes += ” CP.fasb.setupShowHide:” + stepDiff; } } catch(e) { if (!cpHandleJSError(e.message, e.fileName + “_pageReadyFunct_CP.fasb.setupShowHide”, e.lineNumber)) { throw e; } } try { var stepStartTime = (new Date()).getTime(); CP.login.initLogin(); var stepDiff = ((new Date()).getTime() – stepStartTime); if (stepDiff > 10) { eachStepTimes += ” CP.login.initLogin:” + stepDiff; } } catch(e) { if (!cpHandleJSError(e.message, e.fileName + “_pageReadyFunct_CP.login.initLogin”, e.lineNumber)) { throw e; } } try { var stepStartTime = (new Date()).getTime(); CP.login.newLoginInit(false, false, true); var stepDiff = ((new Date()).getTime() – stepStartTime); if (stepDiff > 10) { eachStepTimes += ” CP.login.newLoginInit:” + stepDiff; } } catch(e) { if (!cpHandleJSError(e.message, e.fileName + “_pageReadyFunct_CP.login.newLoginInit”, e.lineNumber)) { throw e; } } var allDiff = ((new Date()).getTime() – allStartTime); if (allDiff > 2000){ var timerData = “allTimes=” + allDiff + ” stepTimes=” + eachStepTimes + ” url=%2Fapp%2Fv10%2Fjsp%2Flogin.jsp%3FlastCpReqId%3D186038%26lkn%3DloginAllParms”; var ajaxTimeUrl = “/app/ajaxUtils?action=logIt&lastCpReqId=186038&lkn=ajaxUtils”; ajaxTimeUrl += ‘&severity=NONFATAL&fileName=JSP&functionName=onReady&locationId=tooLong’; $.ajax({ type: “POST”, url: ajaxTimeUrl, async: true, data: “logMessage=”+timerData, cache:false }); } }); ]]>
